The narrative of The Mandalorian television series could certainly serve as a base for an MMO, in which players adorn the iconic armor and play as bounty hunters, traveling across the universe, tracking targets, exploring various worlds, etc. If the rumors turn out to be true, however, and Zenimax Online is really working on The Mandalorian, it’ll probably take a while before we get an official confirmation.

Considering that they have some 500 developers at their disposal, they certainly have the manpower to pull off a purported The Mandalorian MMO and still work on several other projects. Zenimax Online has previously confirmed that they’re working on future projects, which include a brand-new triple-A IP, but haven’t provided any details. There are whispers behind the curtains of the gaming industry about Star Wars and Xbox, but nothing on Zenimax Online developing The Mandalorian video game. With that said, all rumors should be taken with a grain of salt to combat the nausea of disappointment if said rumors turn out to be just that - rumors.

However, considering that Baker subsequently signed off Skullzi’s report, whoever’s feeding them information has good and most likely credible sources. Skullzi noted in their report that they aren’t a gaming industry insider or a leaker but that they’re simply reporting on hearsay that’s happening behind the scenes. Skullzi’s report basically confirmed Baker’s statement about Zenimax Online, adding that the upcoming The Mandalorian video game is actually a massively multiplayer online game, which isn’t all that surprising, knowing that it’s developed by the studio behind The Elder Scrolls Online.

The second, more recent rumor comes the way of Skullzi, a video game YouTube content creator. The former of these sources was Nick “Shpeshal Ed” Baker, a very prominent Xbox leaker/insider, who, as per our previous report, stated that someone was making The Mandalorian video game, but he wasn’t able to identify the developer at the time, only to subsequently reveal Zenimax Online as the game’s developer. You may have to select a menu option or click a button.According to ComicBook, despite the new rumor coming from two distinct sources, the details regarding the upcoming The Mandalorian MMO are still very scarce.
#Star wars eclipse mmo plus#